Thursday, August 13, 2009


1. India is the world’s largest, oldest, continuous civilization.

2. India never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history.

3. India is the world’s largest democracy.

4. Varanasi, also known as Benares , was called “the ancient city” when Lord Buddha visited it in 500 B.C.E, and is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today.

5. India invented the Number System. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.

6. The World’s first university was established in Takshashila in 700BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.

7. Sanskrit is the mother of all the European languages. Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software – a report in Forbes magazine, July 1987.

8. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans. Charaka, the father of medicine consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago. Today Ayurveda is fast regaining its rightful place in our civilization.

9. Although modern images of India often show poverty and lack of development, India was the richest country on earth until the time of British invasion in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus was attracted by India ’s wealth.

10. The art of Navigation was bornin the river Sindhu 6000 years ago. The very word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word navy is also derived from Sanskrit ‘Nou’.

11. Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. Time taken by earth to orbit the sun: (5th century) 365.258756484 days.

12. The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians.

13. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India . Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th century. The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 10**53(10 to the power of 53) with specific names as early as 5000 BCE during the Vedic period. Even today, the largest used number is Tera 10**12(10 to the power of 12).

14. IEEE has proved what has been a century old suspicion in the world scientific community that the pioneer of wireless communication was Prof. Jagdish Bose and not Marconi.

15. The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.

16. According to Saka King Rudradaman I of 150 CE a beautiful lake called Sudarshana was constructed on the hills of Raivataka during Chandragupta Maurya’s time.

17. Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was invented in India .

18. Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted complicated surgeries like cesareans, cataract, artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones and even plastic surgery and brain surgery. Usage of anesthesia was well known in ancient India . Over 125 surgical equipment were used. Deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology, etiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics and immunity is also found in many texts.

19. When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization).

20. The four religions born in India , Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, are followed by 25% of the world’s population.

21. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.

22. India is one of the few countries in the World, which gained independence without violence.

23. India has the second largest pool of Scientists and Engineers in the World.

24. India is the largest English speaking nation in the world.

25. India is the only country other than US and Japan ,to have built a super computer indigenously.

Happy Independence Day


As u like it ;) said...

independence day spl ??? so soon...
guess ur brimming with patriotism pal!!!.
Or is it, jus K.D blogging :P

Arv said...


Some historical facts written here are wrong. I take some time to make my case cos ancient history is a passion and hobby for me. So just want to set some points right for all here. hope you dont take it in the wrong way.

1. India is NOT the oldest civilization. The Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer is officially accepted as the oldest. Ancient Egypt comes second, then Minoan, Indus Valley is fourth.

2. Indian kings have invaded other lands beyond the ancient Bharata borders in the past (e.g. our very own cholas).

3. Varanasi is not even in the top 20 list :) - Damascus has been proven to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world (before 5000 B.C whereas Varanasi had since 1200 B.C).

4. Herbal medicine was indeed the oldest form of treatment but given that civilizations existed even before India was inhabited means that this practice existed before Ayurveda took form.

Music Personified said...

dats indeed a grtt job . A proud INDIAN !!!! JAI HO !!!

jayashree swaminathan said...

no...i am indeed a lot patriotic pal :)

jayashree swaminathan said...

wow...u hav such a wonderful knowledge in indian history :) happy independence day! and thx for tose corrections :)

jayashree swaminathan said...

hi arun! as u rightly said....proud to b an indian! jai ho!

Swetha said...

hey gr8 job...a very gud post...jai hind...proud 2 b an indian

jayashree swaminathan said...

thank u dear! and its so gud to see ur comments regularly on my blog! thankz a lot!

Unknown said...

nice info. we could come accross lot of things and getting chance to pick some info from ur blogs, which is also i feel more informative. Happy independence day to u and all INDIANS.

jayashree swaminathan said...

thank u shan :)
and happy independence day!

мคиσ said...

Damn, How did u collect all those info ???
Its really a nice work.
Keep it up. :)

jayashree swaminathan said...

thank u mano :)
keep posting ur comments!

Known Stranger said...

Not to judge i am no love of my country for my comments.

2. India never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history.

this is false. Chola kingdom invaded java samtura and srivijaya kingdom ( reference kadal pura by sandiliyan) this is only one example.

India after independence also invaded east pakistan ofcourse to get freedom to bangaladesh but invaded.

India is the world’s largest, oldest, continuous civilization.
- it is acutally hindus valley civilazation it is shared by pakistan as well. but yes largest

4. how about eygpt ?

5. the present number system was arabic number system - only zero was given by Indian to the numbering system.

7. to my understanding sanskrit is not mother but hebrew and latin. but latin and hebrew share a lot of similiarity with sanskrit.

some facts are manipulated to make a pusedo pride to indians. but still i love country for what it is with its defects.

jayashree swaminathan said...

@vaishnav: i somehow like ur involvement in everything you do. U seem so knowlegable :) thx fr ur comments :) keep posting!

Anonymous said...

My pleasure. I dont think i am knowledgeable. I am like jack of many trades and master of none. I keep changing interests since my interests keep changing i get to have a small bite of many fields. tamila oru proverb iruku nai naku vekara mathiri. same goes true to me. Dont illusioned i am knowledgable i make people believe what i am not. full bakwas and no sense i am. Technically a critic with out stuff.

jayashree swaminathan said...

@vaishnav: i can see another person just like me :P

Sakthi Ganesh said...

I am not agree with this below point
India never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history.

Because The Tamil King Raja Raja Chola I - The great - Invaded and successfully captured Andhra,kerala,karnataka,orissa,bengal and
Srilanka,malaysia,Andoman nicobar,Indonesia,Java,Sumatra,Burma,and other parts of south eastern Asian countries .

Ankor Wat - The greatest temple complex in the world in Kambodia is built by Tamil kings - Choza Dyansty
So how can we say that "India never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history?"

Due to the lengthy content i have just posted on article related to this topic

let me know your opinion